Thursday 13th, Friday 14th, Saturday 15th, Sunday 16th. Schools are invited to join in.

There will be age group prizes awarded in the Grand Barn at 4pm on Sunday 16th. Student Artists under 16 must be either in supervised school groups or accompanied by an adult.

All participating Artists and Students must please register in the Grand Barn at the beginning of the day.

Schedule :

Each day at 10am : Please register in the Grand Barn.
Artists £10. Students £5.
The Public have free entry into the Grand Barn and, of course, the many footpaths in the Landscape.

All registering Artists/Students in the Festival will be given a catalogue, titled “Notes for Artists”, having Maps marking footpaths suggesting features, views and vistas for Artists.

Artists and Public please stick to the many public footpaths, see the two maps in the centrefold of the sheet titled “Notes for Artists”….

Map no.1. Nearby to the Village MAP.
Map no.2. Wider Landscape MAP, from the Western Coastal Path up on the ridge, to the coast at the Chisel beach and Lagoon.

Please bring your own packed lunch with a drink, and necessary refreshments.

The Festival will supply free Tea and Coffee for Artists and Students in the Grand Barn.

10am – 4.30pm Go out into the Landscape observe Nature.

Return to the Barn at anytime :

• For the Exhibition.

• The Barn will have its own ambiance encouraging dialogue with other Artists.

• For bringing your refreshments, your packed lunch.

• Dialogue with the Public.

• Sharing and comparing visions of the Landscape.

• Showing and discussing the work, techniques and inventions.

• For group reviews and essential feedback.

• Mentor Artists/tutors, experienced in classical and modernist traditions, can, on request, be available for tutorials.

• On request tutorials can be arranged.

• In the evenings in the Grand Barn there will be power-point talks, presentations, and discussions inviting participation from the audience. Free for registered Artists, £10 entry for the public.

• Barn is a retreat from the weather.

• If you wish students from your school or college to participate in the 2024 Festival please contact :

John Meaker (Festival organiser, tutor/artist in Abbotsbury)
07816 850107 /
Abbotsbury Studio, Rodden Row, Abbotsbury. DT3 4JL